Piperinox ™ – effektives Abnehmen in einer kleinen Kapsel

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Piperinox ™ - effektives Abnehmen in einer kleinen Kapsel

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Piperinox - DRcaps

Piperinox – DRcaps

Detaillierte Beschreibung der Piperinox-Inhaltsstoffe.

Referenzen & Externe Links

  1. Sale, C., et al. „Metabolic and physiological effects of ingesting extracts of bitter orange, green tea and guarana at rest and during treadmill walking in overweight males.“ International Journal of Obesity 30.5 (2006): 764.
  2. Fugh-Berman, Adriane, and Adam Myers. „Citrus aurantium, an ingredient of dietary supplements marketed for weight loss: current status of clinical and basic research.“ Experimental biology and medicine 229.8 (2004): 698-704.
  3. Garau, M. Carme, et al. „Effect of air-drying temperature on physico-chemical properties of dietary fibre and antioxidant capacity of orange (Citrus aurantium v. Canoneta) by-products.“ Food chemistry 104.3 (2007): 1014-1024.
  4. YouTube, Cistus Plus ™ Wyciąg z Czystka na odporność (EN), https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U-o4AEJAu3A.
  5. Carvalho-Freitas, Maria Isabel Roth, and Mirtes Costa. „Anxiolytic and sedative effects of extracts and essential oil from Citrus aurantium L.“ Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin 25.12 (2002): 1629-1633.
  6. Kikuzaki, Hiroe, and Nobuji Nakatani. „Antioxidant effects of some ginger constituents.“ Journal of food science 58.6 (1993): 1407-1410.
  7. Stoilova, Ivanka, et al. „Antioxidant activity of a ginger extract (Zingiber officinale).“ Food chemistry 102.3 (2007): 764-770.
  8. Masuda, Yuki, et al. „Antioxidant properties of gingerol related compounds from ginger.“ Biofactors 21.1‐4 (2004): 293-296.
  9. Anderson, Richard A. „Effects of chromium on body composition and weight loss.“ Nutrition Reviews 56.9 (1998): 266-270.

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