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Is it possible to combat acne?

AcneEveryone would like to take full advantage of their teenage years, enjoy freedom, abandon and a bit of craziness. However, very often one acute obstacle crops up – acne! It can undermine self-confidence and encourage us to immure ourselves to hide the face away. There is no need to worry, though. Instead of accepting its unwanted, annoying presence, it’s time to fight the enemy off! If our struggle is to end in victory, we need to know how to get down to defeat it.

What in fact is acne?

Acne is any kind of cutaneous lesion, such as pimples, blackheads, reddening or inflammation. They appear due to bacteria Propionibacterium acnes, which feed on the sebum existing on our skin. White blood cells – responsible for immunity, capture their presence, damage the bubbles produced by them and thereby induce inflammation. In case of people with acne skin type, sebum is produced in excessive amounts and the accumulated dead skin cells block its release.Owing to this, the bacteria enjoy the constant delivery of fresh food, which increases their reproduction. Bacteria sometimes penetrate through the outer layer of the skin, which leads to even more serious inflammation. Its symptoms include redness, pus-filled pimples, nodules.To make matters worse, the inflammation will not disappear by itself. You have to apply appropriate measures that will eradicate the problem for sure and for good! Since there are plenty of preparations on the market our editors prepared a ranking of tablets against acne, which provides information about the best specifics available.

How to fight acne?

Selecting the right specific is not as simple as it might seem. Not every ingredient in creams, ointments and tablets will combat the problem while preserving the soothing and assuasiveeffect. The most popular and widespread are all the vitamin A derivatives – retinoids. They suppress the formation of blackheads and restrict the proper exfoliation of dead skin cells. An important role is also played by all the ingredients that impede the appearance of inflammation or reduce and eliminate those already existing. Examples of such are benzoyl peroxide, azelaic acid, teracycline antibiotics such as erythromycin, clindamycin, and others.

If the lesions are not extensive, you can reach for the home-ways of eradicating the problem. Applying this kind of methods you can be sure they are completely safe and will not cause any allergic reactions that may arise in case of synthetic ingredients. So what to choose? An interesting method is using aspirin. Just a few pills crushed and dissolved in a small amount of hot water, and applied directly on the areas stricken by acne for approx. 20 minutes. Another popular, natural way is using a mask made of fresh yeast, or the one composed of honey and lemon juice. It’s also worth to use the whole variety of herbal teas , which can often work wonders. Depending on what you need, you can reach for a soothing chamomile, antibacterial yarrow or mallowing mantle flower.

Eradicating acne once and for all!

Fighting acne is often tedious, time-consuming, and in many cases cumbersome. To ensure that pimples and wrinkles are only memoires and belong to the past, it’s wise to reach for proven measures. A smart option is to use trustworthy specifics, such as Derminax or Nonance. The effectiveness of this type of medication is guaranteed, as they treat the problem from the inside. Not only do they remove the visible, appearing symptoms , but also eradicate the very cause of acne which means respectively: reducing the amount of sebum released by obstructing the sebaceous glands, anti-inflammatory effect, unclogging pores, regulating hormone levels. Owing to complex action the above mentioned medicaments remove the resulting cutaneous lesions and prevent the formation of the new ones. It doesn’t matter what type of acne we deal with, as clinical tests confirm their effectiveness in fighting all possibile kinds of the affliction. Another advantage is that they contain only natural ingredients such as red clover, nettle, horsetail extract, grape seed oil, copper, zinc and vitamin C. These ingredients are completely safe and do not cause side effects, and most importantly, they help to overcome acne once and for all.

Tablets against acne – Nonacne are a natural preparation consisting entirely of herbal components. Nonacne effectively combats every variety of acne, regardless of its causes. As a result of its action you will finally regain a healthy and beautiful complexion! Once and for good!

Ranking of dietary supplements against acne

DERMINAX ™ – overcome your acne once and for all!
DERMINAX ™ – overcome your acne once and for all!

Preparation DERMINAX ™ ensures that only three steps will lead to a completely new, smooth, flawless compexion you will never feel ashamed of.

  1. Elimination of toxins and dead cells.
  2. Adjusting hormone levels.
  3. Removing the resulting symptoms.
Product description:
DERMINAX ™ – effective pills for acne
English VersionAmerican VersionLeagan GaeilgePolska WersjaΕλληνική έκδοσηVersion en EspañolA versão em PortuguêsDeutsch VersionÖsterreichische VersionVersione ItalianaVersion FrançaiseNederlandse VersieBelgische VersieSvensk VersionDie Schweizer VersionБългарска версияSuomalainen versioMagyar VerzióVersiunea RomânăČeská VerzeLatviešu ValodāSlovenská Verzia

This product is available worldwide

NONACNE ™ – effective pills against acne!
NONACNE ™ – effective pills against acne!

A dietary supplement Nonacne– natural formulation against acne consists exclusively of herbal components. Nonacne effectively eradicates any variety of acne, regardless of the cause of its appearance. Owing to its action you will finally regain a healthy, impeccable and beautiful complexion!

Product description:
NONACNE ™ – effective pills against acne
English VersionLeagan GaeilgePolska WersjaVersion en EspañolA versão em PortuguêsDeutsch VersionÖsterreichische VersionVersione ItalianaVersion FrançaiseDie Schweizer VersionDansk UdgaveSuomalainen versioNederlandse VersieBelgische VersieVerzija HrvatskaVersiunea RomânăČeská VerzeLatviešu ValodāSvensk Version

This product is available worldwide

ClearPores® – Three Stage Acne Cleansing Formula
ClearPores® – Three Stage Acne Cleansing Formula

ClearPores® Herbal Supplement takes advantage of the most widely recognized naturopathic methods to help regulate hormones, promote normal flushing of the body’s waste products and toxins, maintain healthy blood circulation, preserve a cleansed liver, keep blood at normal purity levels, and help regulate digestion. It keeps internal balance for functions most commonly associated with acne flare ups!

Product description:
ClearPores® – Three Stage Acne Cleansing Formula

References & External links

  1. Mallon, E., et al. “The quality of life in acne: a comparison with general medical conditions using generic questionnaires.” British Journal of Dermatology 140 (1999): 672-676. “Skin diseases such as acne are sometimes thought of as unimportant, even trivial, when compared with diseases of other organ systems. To address this point directly, validated generic questionnaires were used to assess morbidity in acne patients and compare it with morbidity in patients with other chronic diseases. For 111 acne patients referred to a dermatologist, quality of life was measured using the Dermatology Life Quality Index, Rosenberg’s measure of self-esteem, a version of the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-28) and the Short Form 36 (SF-36). Clinical severity was measured using the Leeds Acne Grade. Population quality of life data for the SF-36 instrument were available from a random sample of adult local residents (n = 9334) some of whom reported a variety of long-standing disabling diseases. All quality of life instruments showed substantial deficits for acne patients that correlated with each other but not with clinically assessed acne severity. The acne patients (a relatively severely affected group) reported levels of social, psychological and emotional problems that were as great as those reported by patients with chronic disabling asthma, epilepsy, diabetes, back pain or arthritis. Acne is not a trivial disease in comparison with other chronic conditions. This should be recognized in the allocation of health care resources.
  2. Acne, A. O. “Pathological mechanisms of acne with special emphasis on Propionibacterium acnes and related therapy.” Acta Derm Venereol 83.4 (2003): 241-248.
  3. Gollnick, Harald, et al. “Management of acne: a report from a Global Alliance to Improve Outcomes in Acne.” Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology 49.1 (2003): S1-S37.
  4. Williams, Hywel C., Robert P. Dellavalle, and Sarah Garner. “Acne vulgaris.” The Lancet 379.9813 (2012): 361-372. “Acne is a chronic inflammatory disease of the pilosebaceous unit resulting from androgen-induced increased sebum production, altered keratinisation, inflammation, and bacterial colonisation of hair follicles on the face, neck, chest, and back by Propionibacterium acnes.
  5. Cunliffe, William James, and D. C. Seukeran. “Acne.” European Handbook of Dermatological Treatments. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2000. 3-10. “Acne vulgaris is the most common disease involving the pilosebaceous unit. It is rarely misdiagnosed. It occurs at the site where there are sebaceous follicles and thus occurs predominantly on the face, back and chest. It occurs in all races and affects both sexes. The onset of acne is usually in early adolescence and affects up to 80% of all individuals. The milder physiological acne which affects many adolescents will last for 4 or 5 years, but the more clinical varieties will last for 12, and sometimes even 40 or 50 years.
  6. White, Gary M. “Recent findings in the epidemiologic evidence, classification, and subtypes of acne vulgaris.” Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology 39.2 (1998): S34-S37.
  7. Kligman, Albert M., James E. Fulton, and Gerd Plewig. “Topical vitamin A acid in acne vulgaris.” Archives of dermatology 99.4 (1969): 469-476.
  8. Webster, Guy F. “Acne vulgaris.” British medical journal 325 (2002): 475-477.
  9. Leyden, James J. “Therapy for acne vulgaris.” New England Journal of Medicine 336.16 (1997): 1156-1162.
  10. Haider, Aamir, and James C. Shaw. “Treatment of acne vulgaris.” Jama 292.6 (2004): 726-735.

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