What Is An Appetite Suppressant?
An appetite suppressant (or appetite suppressor) is a dietary weight loss supplement that mimics the feeling of satiety or ‘fullness’ in the stomach so that you feel satisfied between meals and do not have the urge to snack.
Appetite suppressants are believed to work by increasing the levels of serotonin (the feel good hormone) in the brain that is responsible for controlling the mood and also the appetite, tricking the brain into believing the stomach is full.
These can be especially beneficial if you find the temptation to snack too hard to ignore as they can help to reduce your daily calorific intake resulting in weight loss.
The majority of appetite suppressants are natural, usually containing plant or herbal extracts, though there are a few appetite suppressants that are prescription only.
Natural Appetite Suppressants vs. Prescription Appetite Suppressants
One of the most widely used prescription appetite suppressants is phentermine (also known as Adipex-p). It is normally prescribed only for obese (extremely overweight) patients with a BMI over 30, or those with a BMI over 27 who are at risk of serious illness or disease if they do not lose weight.
It is generally prescribed as a short-term solution i.e. a few weeks. While phentermine is highly effective at controlling weight, it can cause very serious side effects in some individuals and has the potential to be highly addictive due to its similarity to the amphetamine family which is why it needs close monitoring by a doctor.
There are a wide range of natural appetite suppressants available providing an alternative way to curb your appetite.
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