Servicio de Otorrinolaringología y Patología Cérvico-facial, Hospital de La Ribera, Alzira, Valencia, España
Snoring is a non-pathologic social problem. In the search for non-aggressive efficacious treatment, we introduce our experience in using temperature-controlled radiofrequency treatment for snoring.
A 6-month follow-up revision of thirty-seven patients that received a mean of 1.1 radiofrequency treatment sessions at turbinates, soft palate, tonsils and/or tongue-base.
Mean sample age was 39.6+-9 years; mean BMI was 29.5 ± 4. Good tolerance was presented by 78% of our patients, 78% had no postoperative pain complaints and 68.3% no postoperative symptoms a week after procedure. Minor complications (mainly mucosal breakdown) were presented by 14.6% of the patients. The snoring score went from a mean of 8.6 to 5.6 on the visual analogue scale; 86.5% of the patients improved their clinical snoring and 37.8% were cured of it. Epworth daytime somnolence test results went from mean 9.3 to 6.1.
Radiofrequency is a procedure that is safe, well-tolerated and fairly painless postoperatively, effective in improving clinical snoring in simple snorers. Radiofrequency is an effective primary treatment for snoring whose cause is accessible to radiofrequency.
Palabras clave
Trastornos respiratorios del sueño; Roncopatía; Radiofrecuencia con temperatura controlada
The original text taken from a:
Luis I. Amorós-Sebastiá, Radiofrequency Treatment in Simple Snoring: Tolerance, Safety and Results, Acta Otorrinolaringologica (English Edition), Volume 62, Issue 4, July–August 2011, Pages 300-305
The article "Radiofrequency treatment in simple snoring: tolerance, safety and results" in other languages | |
Tratamiento de la roncopatía simple con radiofrecuencia: tolerancia, seguridad y resultados (Luis I. Amorós-Sebastiá) Español: Tratamiento de la roncopatía simple con radiofrecuencia: tolerancia, seguridad y resultados Servicio de Otorrinolaringología y Patología Cérvico-facial, Hospital de La Ribera, Alzira, Valencia, España | ![]() |