Zakład Higieny i Epidemiologii Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Białymstoku, ul. Mickiewicza 2c, 15-089 Białystok
The results of research on "Assessment of vitamin content in daily food rations of women with normal body weight, overweight and obesity" conducted by Ewa Stefanska, Lucyna Ostrowska, Danuta Czapska, Jan Karczewski (ŻYWNOŚĆ. Nauka. Technologia. Jakość, 2009, 4 (65), 286 – 294).
The levels of chosen fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E) and water-soluble vitamins (B1, B2, B6, B12, niacin, foliates) were assessed in daily food rations of 346 women with differentiated state of nutrition (145 women with normal weight, 73 with overweight and 128 with obesity).
The diets of overweighed and obese women, as compared to those with normal weight, were characterized by higher vitamin levels (statistically significant differences). Low dietary contents of foliates and vitamin D were found in all the study participants and of vitamin E in the women with normal body weight. Excessive dietary supplies of vitamin B2 and B6 were noted in all the women and of vitamins: vitamin A, viatmin C, vitamin B12 and niacin in the overweighed and obese study participants.
The complete study "Assessment of vitamin content in daily food rations of women with normal body weight, overweight and obesity" (Ewa Stefanska, Lucyna Ostrowska, Danuta Czapska, Jan Karczewski) in pdf file format:
ŻYWNOŚĆ. Nauka. Technologia. Jakość, 2009, 4 (65), 286 – 294
The article "Assessment of vitamin content in daily food rations of women with normal body weight, overweight and obesity" in other languages | |
Ocena zawartości witamin w całodziennych racjach pokarmowych kobiet o prawidłowej masie ciała oraz z nadwagą i otyłością (Ewa Stefanska, Lucyna Ostrowska, Danuta Czapska, Jan Karczewski) po Polsku: Ocena zawartości witamin w całodziennych racjach pokarmowych kobiet o prawidłowej masie ciała oraz z nadwagą i otyłością Zakład Higieny i Epidemiologii Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Białymstoku, ul. Mickiewicza 2c, 15-089 Białystok | |
“Assessment of vitamin content in daily food rations of women with normal body weight, overweight and obesity”