Department of Dietetics, Faculty of Human Nutrition and Consumer Sciences,
Warsaw University of Life Sciences,
02-776 Warsaw, Nowoursynowska 159C Street
The results of research on "Factors influenced vitamin or minerals supplements use in a chosen group of children aged 6-12" conducted by J. Bylinowska, O. Januszko, K. Rolf, E. Sicińska, J. Kałuża, B. Pietruszka (Annals of the National Institute of Hygien 2012, 63(1): 59-66.).
Due to growing popularity of food supplements the producers of such products introduce food supplements developed especially for children. This, as a consequence, may lead to a risk of exceeded intake of some nutrients.
The aim of this study was to identify determinants of vitamin/mineral supplements intake in 6-12-year-old children. Method. The study was conducted by questionnaire method among parents of 743 children attending primary schools. Dietary supplements during the year preceding the survey received 40% of children, while 16.7% on the tested day.
It was found that women with secondary and higher education level more frequently reported use of such preparations by their children (43% and 40% respectively). Supplements received more children with moderate or slight deficient body weight (54.2%) compared to children with severe deficiency (29.7%) or obese (25.8%); children with chronic diseases (56%) compared to healthy (37%), participating in extracurricular sport activities (49%) compared to non-participating (35%) and children with more correct dietary habits. Simultaneously supplements and fortified products were used by 34% of children.
The decision of supplements use parents often undertook alone (67% of preparation), while only 31% of them after medical consultation. There is a need to educate children and their parents about the use of supplements and the risks associated with it.
The complete study "Factors influenced vitamin or minerals supplements use in a chosen group of children aged 6-12" (J. Bylinowska, O. Januszko, K. Rolf, E. Sicińska, J. Kałuża, B. Pietruszka) in pdf file format:
The original text taken from a:
Annals of the National Institute of Hygien 2012, 63(1): 59-66.
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The article "Factors influenced vitamin or minerals supplements use in a chosen group of children aged 6-12" in other languages | |
Czynniki warunkujące stosowanie suplementów diety zawierających witaminy i/lub składniki mineralne w wybranej grupie dzieci w wieku 6-12 lat (J. Bylinowska, O. Januszko, K. Rolf, E. Sicińska, J. Kałuża, B. Pietruszka) po Polsku: Czynniki warunkujące stosowanie suplementów diety zawierających witaminy i/lub składniki mineralne w wybranej grupie dzieci w wieku 6-12 lat Department of Dietetics, Faculty of Human Nutrition and Consumer Sciences, Warsaw University of Life Sciences, 02-776 Warsaw, Nowoursynowska 159C Street | |
“Factors influenced vitamin or minerals supplements use in a chosen group of children aged 6-12”