Zakład Chemii Fizycznej, Wydział Farmaceutyczny z Oddziałem Medycyny Laboratoryjnej, Warszawski Uniwersytet Medyczny
The results of research on "Cannabis and cannabinoids" conducted by Siudem, Paweł, Iwona Wawer, and Katarzyna Paradowska (Siudem, Paweł, Iwona Wawer, and Katarzyna Paradowska. "Konopie i kannabinoidy Cannabis and cannabinoids.").
Actually, increasing public and political pressure has supported legalization of medical marijuana, e.g. top parts of the plants rich in tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). However, more than 525 compounds have been identified from Cannabis sativa L. including over 80 cannabinoids.
The studies on biochemical and pharmacological effects of cannabidiol (CBD) suggested its use for epilepsy, mood and anxiety disorders, depression, support the therapy of drug, alcohol and nicotine addictions. Cannabis seed oil contains CBD and other cannabinoids, is rich
in unsaturated fatty acids n-6 and n-3, tocopherols and tocotrienols and could be important for nutrition. (Farm Współ 2015; 8: 1-8)
Keywords: marijuana, oil of cannabis, cannabidiol, Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol, cannabinoids
The complete study "Cannabis and cannabinoids" (Siudem, Paweł, Iwona Wawer, and Katarzyna Paradowska) in pdf file format:
The original text taken from a:
Siudem, Paweł, Iwona Wawer, and Katarzyna Paradowska. "Konopie i kannabinoidy Cannabis and cannabinoids."
The article "Cannabis and cannabinoids" in other languages | |
Konopie i kannabinoidy (Siudem, Paweł, Iwona Wawer, and Katarzyna Paradowska) po Polsku: Konopie i kannabinoidy Zakład Chemii Fizycznej, Wydział Farmaceutyczny z Oddziałem Medycyny Laboratoryjnej, Warszawski Uniwersytet Medyczny | |
“Cannabis and cannabinoids”